Muffin's Gift

Muffin's Gift
The Mayfield's

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


This blog was supposed to be about past events leading up to the present but for today I will fast forward to September 4, 2012....

Today I came across this video, a News report about a teen with Down syndrome who was NOT allowed on an American Airlines First Class flight ONLY BECAUSE OF HE WAS BORN WITH DOWN SYNDROME!!

It hurts my soul so bad to think this is the world we live in it's 2012 and still people have a LONG way to go in acceptance of persons with " DIFFERENT-ABILITIES "
When will persons with "intellectual disabilities" BE TREATED AS JUST HUMANS?? LIKE EVERYONE ELSE ON THIS EARTH... WHEN WILL THEY HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS TO LIFE?  WHEN WILL THEY HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS TO BREATHE THIS WORLD"S AIR OF PERFECTION AND JUST BE PART OF HUMANITY!?!?!?!  When will the world see that!!!! It's disturbing and quite sad this could happen to any person and not to mention his parents pain and humiliation. :(

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