Muffin's Gift

Muffin's Gift
The Mayfield's

Sunday, August 5, 2012

ALIYAH meaning to "Ascent" RICHELLE the female version of Richard meaning "Powerful Ruler" Aliyah's birth story

    It was the Fall of 2010 my husband Ricky was working non stop 12 hour days 6 days a week. My lovely mother in-law Felicia flew in from Georgia to help me out with Maricela and keep me company since I was eight months pregnant.

    At 39 weeks pregnant...
In the afternoon of October 28th I started to feel some mild cramping nothing serious so I went about my day I made my husband's lunch for work and sent him off around 3:30pm then my daughter Maricela had Zumba Class at 4:00pm so we went to that..... by the end of  her class my pain had begun to come up a few notches YIKES! I just took deep breaths and tried to suck it up as to not bring any attention to myself.

    I didn't think anything was gonna happen right away because with my first born the labor lasted over 30 hours!! But since this pregnancy was considered "high risk" I didn't want to take any chances of my husband Ricky not being there so at around 5:30pm I called him at work and asked that he come back home, poor man he works over an hour away and his shift had just started at 5:00pm so back home he came. :)

    I tried to keep busy to keep my mind off of the contractions I made dinner and played nail shop with Mari we painted each others nails. Felicia put Mari to bed around 8:00 pm shortly after that my labor took off by 10:00pm I was in A LOT more pain! To cope I laid in a warm bath breathing deeply and trying to keep as  quite as possible I didn't want to awake or frighten Maricela my four year old. Ricky then decided by the sound of  my moans it was time to call my brother Miko to come watch Mari overnight for us.

    After talking with my OB over the phone we decided I should go into the hospital to get checked but by the time when we got to the hospital my contractions slowed down some so I thought for sure they would send us home. I was wrong! They admitted me right away I was already 4 centimeters! Aliyah was in a hurry!!!!

    The pain was pretty bad but something took over my body in the hospital I was able to breathe through the contractions quite well, I labored naturally until around 3am. At which point I began to panic a little because the pain was increasing to almost unbearable levels and I was afraid my labor would be long like it was with in first baby so I asked for the epidural asap!!! I soon would regret that request.

    The guy who was sent to do my epidural was new and I could tell he was nervous as he began to insert the needle in my back something was NOT right!! I had an epidural with my first child and it was pretty painless  but this time it felt as if he was grinding the bones in my back with the needle! Ouch!!! That pain was WAY worse than any of the contractions so far, I started crying out loud that "it hurt!!!" He backed off and tried again. AHHHHH OUCH!!!!!!! At that point my mother had to leave the room she could not bear to see me cry like that. My nurse then realized I was not bend forward far enough because of all the monitors they had on my belly so she took the monitors off after that I was able to hunch over properly and the needle went in. FINALLY! The epidural was in! YAY!!! Thank God!

    I was now pain free so my mind was now clear enough to stress and worry about my baby girl. I started crying because I wanted her to be OK my loving husband reassured me with kisses and whispered the words "she's gonna be perfect, don't worry" in my ear. Once I was back in my "happy place" I brushed my hair and put on some makeup as I didn't want to look a mess for my new baby daughter.

For some reason when I tried to lay down the monitors would loose my baby's heart beat so I had to sit up for the rest of my labor this made all the anesthesia medicine go mostly into my legs they were like wet noodles. When it was time to push the nurses told me to lift my legs and.....well no can do! I couldn't even feel them! So my family helped, it was a family affair, group effort.

    As I started pushing my doctor discovered Aliyah was "sunny side up" (facing up in the birth canal) she then warned  me that because of that the pushing part would be much more difficult and that her little face would be swollen after birth.

    October 29th 5:19 am after only five minutes of pushing our Aliyah Richelle Mayfield was born weighing 5 pounds 7 ounces and measuring 17" long
I told ya! Muffin was in a hurry!!! She was very tiny but strong! After the nurses cleaned her up they put her on my chest she then pulled up her tiny head to look around the room at all of us sobbing ( of course there was me, Ricky, my mom, mama Felicia and my sis Eva)  It was amazing!! She looked at all of us with a "Why are you guys crying? I'm fine!" look on her little face. WOW! What an entrance!

    We were very lucky Aliyah was born with two holes in her heart but they closed on their own two days after her birth there were no other health complications so we were sent home on Oct. 31, 2010.

teeny tiny 
She stamped Daddy
She stamped mommy too!
My first snuggle with my Muffin

It's ok baby girl mommy's here

and yea she nursed right away!

The Proud Tia Eva

Our family's newest addition

The Grammy's

BIG Sister meets baby sissy

Me and my girls

My beautiful Mom Teresa

My beautiful daughters

Proud Grammy Felicia


Our little Muffin with her first hair bow

Aliyah's 1st birth day cupcakes
thanks Tia Chris!

Daddy's Muffin

Daddy's IN LOVE

ready to blow this popsicle stand!

Snug as a bug in her Chicco car seat only the best for our Muffin

Home at last evening of October 31, 2010


  1. Hi Chelo! I just stumbled upon your blog and have spent the last 30 minutes reading all your posts. My son, Ben, is just a couple months younger than Aliyah. Aliyah is beautiful as is Mari! I look forward to following your journey!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I hope that you know that your bravery has givens such relief and such hope. I am currently pregnant and due any day with mine and my husbands only son. I was devastated when we got the news
    Of Gabes down syndrome and cried for days. I prayed the same prayer, that God would take him, but not at the same time. I remember feeling like a part of me broke a little when I passed 24 weeks, I knew that was the age of viability. I still carry a lot of guilt about my thoughts and feelings tht I had and still have at times. I remember having a conversation with my husband about putting him up for adoption because I couldn't imagine terminating. I am very sorry for all that you have endured but deeply greatful that you have shared it, it gives me such a sense of relieve that I am not alone.
